Así mismo agradecer a CRACK DEL 29, THE LINES WE CROSS y a las personas que vinistéis al concierto del pasado sábado 17/12/11 en el MOOG. Nos lo pasamos muy bien y así mola tocar, eramos poc@s pero loc@s!!!
Así queremos despedir el 2011 y decir GRACIAS TOTALES.
Bueno de momento aqui os dejamos con algunas imágenes de lo que fueron esos días por Alemania.
After 5 days playing around the south of Germany, holding the cold weather but having fun, DRAMA is back. There were cool days and we enjoyed lot with our friends and those new ones we have made.Also say thanks to CRACK DEL 29, THE LINES WE CROSS and everybody who came to the show last saturday 17/12/11 at Moog, we have such a good time, we were few but so fckng nuts!
We want say bye 2011 and THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
Here you can check out some images and a video of the shows we played in Germany.
click in this image to see the whole photo album:
Photos by: Philipp Rösel & Christian McCollister.