19 mar 2014

Despedida oficial / Official farewell.

Como algunxs de ustedes ya saben, Drama dejó los escenarios ya hace un tiempo. Antes de nuestra decisión de nuestro "cese de la convivencia" musical, compusimos unos temas que práctica mente están inéditos, sólo los tocamos durante la última gira por Alemania a finales del 2011 y en un concierto que dimos en Barna en diciembre de ése mismo año. Por cuestiones de distancias y tiempo, no ha podido ser hasta ahora que los temas están finalmente grabados y pueden ser escuchados por ustedes.

Han sido en total siete años desde que empezamos a dar conciertos, hacer giras, difrutar de birras (con y sin alcohol, frías o calientes) y risas allá donde íbamos. Seguiremos siempre muy agradecidas con todas y cada una de las personas que siempre apoyaron a DRAMA de una manera u otra. Esperamos que estos temas sean de vuestro agrado y disfrute, ya que tienen mucho significado para nosotras.

Bueno como las despedidas son tristes, y por ello es que decidimos no hacer concierto de despdedida alguno, al menos con éstas palabras y 4 canciones que hemos subido a nuestro bandcamp, os decimos: MUCHAS GRACIAS DE TODO CORAZÓN!


DRAMA called quits couple years ago, due movings to other country of one of the members. Before that decision we had already some new tracks written and which were played just at couple last show we played in GERMANY and Barcelona. After that, we were in the studio and recorded it, but due Michelle was pregnant and away from Barcelona was not possible she could recorded the voice. It has taken long time, for the recording being ready to launch them and then you can listen them. But now finally they are up-loaded and ready to detroy your ears! There were a total of seven years since we started to play shows, tours, having beers (with and without alcohol, hot or cold) and lot of fun and laughts on the road. We will always be very grateful to every single person who always supported DRAMA in one way or another. We hope that these tracks are of your pleasure and enjoyment, as have much meaning for us. They are for free download at our bandcamp site! 
Farewell is not a happy thing, that is why we decided do not play a last show, so at least with these words and 4 songs we say to you: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!